Terms & Conditions

British Gymnastics Membership

All gymnasts from pre-school upwards must have a valid British Gymnastics Membership. This provides insurance within the gym and also member benefits. Please join via the following link Memberships (british-gymnastics.org)

Cancellation of Membership

One month's notice must be given to cancel a membership. Notification should be sent to the club via email at info@kingstongymnastics.org

Code of Conduct for Gymnasts 

Kingston Gymnastics Club are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the club’s Safeguarding Officer.

As a member of Kingston Gymnastics club you are expected to abide by the following club rules:

All gymnasts must;

  1. Train and compete within the rules and regulations of Kingston Gymnastics Club 
  2. Show respect for other gymnasts and the people who are there to help you learn 
  3. Arrive at their training session, competition or event venue prepared and on time and inform the coach if they are going to be late.
  4. Inform their coach of any injuries or illness they have before the warm up begins 
  5. Wear suitable attire for training, competitions and events as per Club guidelines / requirements. Hair must be tied back securely and all jewellery must be removed prior to entering the training, competition or event area.
  6. Never bully other club members either on your own or in a group
  7. Not smoke, consume alcohol or take any controlled drugs whilst training or representing the Club at competitions or any other event.
  8. Not use bad or inappropriate language.
  9. Not leave the training, competition or event area without the consent of their coach.
  10. Not leave the Club premises without being in the care of their parent, guardian, carer or any other nominated person who has been given prior authorisation.
  11. Adhere to the Club’s Social Media Policy (as detailed in the subsequent pages)
  12. Pay any training, competition or event fees on time. The Club reserves the right to apply a late payment charge if fees are more than 7 days late.

If you are worried about something don’t keep it to yourself. Please speak to an adult you trust. This could be the coach, safeguarding officer, teacher, or parent.

Physical violence, verbal abuse or bullying will not be tolerated and failure to comply with this Code of Conduct will result in a disciplinary referral and may lead to exclusions from the Club and cancellation of membership.

Social Media Policy for Gymnasts, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers, Helpers

The use of social media, chat rooms, text messaging and emails and is now a normal part of life for many people and businesses and is used for communication, entertainment and self-expression.

To protect and safeguard our members and promote a positive image of Kingston Gymnastics Club, we are committed to the safe, professional and legal use of social media.

The purpose of this policy is to;

  1. Ensure that the relationship between coaches / officials / volunteers / helpers and gymnasts remain professional at all times.
  2. Protect gymnasts, coaches, parents and all persons associated with our Club from allegations of inappropriate conduct and ensure they have clear guidelines for the use of social media and other communication methods.

Failure to adhere to this Social Media Policy will result in a disciplinary referral to the safeguarding officer and Head Coach and may lead to exclusion from the Club and cancellation of membership. 

Children and Young People under 18 years Old

Children and Young People under 18 years old must;

  • Not post any remarks, photographs, or videos that are derogatory or inappropriate or could be disparaging or embarrassing to the Club, its staff, volunteers, Gymnasts or other gymnastics clubs on any social media facility.
  • Not ask a coach, official, volunteer or helper to be your friend on a social networking site. They are in a position of trust and will be in breach of Club Guidelines and Code of Conduct if they accept the request. 
  • Always remember that anything that is said or shared via social media, chat rooms, text messages, emails or other electronic communication including photographs, pictures and videos may be shared with people other than those whom it was intended for. Once something is posted / sent it is no longer in you control.
  • Never post or send photographs, comments or videos which may be hurtful, untrue or upsetting and you may regret sharing later on.
  • Not put pictures or names of other club members on personal sites which directly or indirectly mention Kingston Gymnastics Club.
  • Never place a comment on the internet or via any other electronic communication that you would not say face to face to the individual concerned. To do so, you may not only be in breach of our Club and Scottish Gymnastics Policy but also the law.
  • Adhere to this Social Media Policy and that of Scottish Gymnastics and British Gymnastics.

Coaches / Officials / Volunteers / Helpers

Coaches / Officials / Volunteers / Helpers are in a position of trust and responsibility therefore must;

  • Never have any gymnast under 18 years old, or an individual over 18 years old for whom they have responsibility for, as a friend or contact on their personal phone, social media or other electronic communication facility.
  • Never contact a gymnast under 18 years old or an individual over 18 years old for whom they have responsibility for, on their personal phone, social media or other electronic communication facility.
  • Decline any friend request made by any gymnast under the age of 18 years old or an individual over the age of 18 years old for whom they have responsibility for.
  • Not post any remarks, photographs, or videos that are derogatory or inappropriate or could be disparaging or embarrassing to the Club, it’s staff, volunteers, Gymnasts or other gymnastics clubs on any social media facility.
  • Adhere to this Social Media Policy and that of Scottish Gymnastics and British Gymnastics.

Parents / Carers / Guardians 

Parents / Carers / Guardians must; 

  • Never communicate with a child, young person or protected adult under the age of 18 years old via social media, chat room or other electronic communication unless prior consent has been given by their parent, carer or guardian.
  • Decline any friend request from a child, young person or protected adult under the age of 18 years old made via social media, chat room or other electronic communication unless prior consent has been given by their parent, carer or guardian.
  • Not post any remarks, photographs, or videos that are derogatory or inappropriate or could be disparaging or embarrassing to the Club, it’s staff, volunteers, Gymnasts or other gymnastics clubs, in any social media facility.
  • Not ask a coach, official, volunteer or helper to be your friend on a social networking site. They are in a position of trust and have a duty of care to your child and will therefore be in breach of Club Guidelines and Code of Conduct if they accept the request. 
  • Always remember that anything that is said or shared via social media, chat rooms, text messages, emails or other electronic communication including photographs, pictures and videos may be shared with people, other than for those whom it was intended. Once something is posted / sent it is no longer in you control.
  • Never post or send photographs, comments or videos which may be hurtful, untrue or upsetting and you may regret sharing later on.
  • Not put pictures or names of other club members on personal sites which directly or indirectly mention Kingston Gymnastics Club.
  • Never place a comment on the internet or via any other electronic communication that you would not say to the individual concerned. To do so, you may not only be in breach of our Club and Scottish Gymnastics Policy but also the law.
  • Adhere to this Social Media Policy and that of Scottish Gymnastics and British Gymnastics.

Note: Coaches should not be contacting individual gymnasts directly, either by means of messaging or on social media. All communications should be made through parents/guardians/carers

What to do if you have a concern

As a user of social media, chat rooms and other electronic communication either as a child, young person or adult, you may at some time have a concerns regarding what you have seen or what you have been told by another user. This may range from abusive or negative comments and cyber bullying to suspected grooming for sexual abuse or exploitation. 

If you have a concern please contact the Safeguarding Officer or Head Coach immediately.

The following is a list of agencies that you can contact for further information, advice or raise any concerns you may have anonymously;

The Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Unit at www.ceop.gov.uk or by pressing the CEOP button on Facebook.

Childline Scotland on 0800 1111 or www.childline.or.uk

UK Safer Internet: www.saferinternet.org.uk 

Children 1st Child Protection in Sport Unit Tel: 0141 418 5670

The NSPCC Helpline on 0800 800 5000 or www.nspcc.org.uk or www.childnet.org.uk (NSPCC support service for young people).

Scotland’s Anti-Bullying Service – respectme at enquire@respectme.org.uk

Stop It Now on 0808 1000 900 or www.stopitnow.org.uk

Internet Safety on www.thinkuknow.co.uk